SaaS operators, we’re with you.

Meet the Team

We love the journey - and deeply respect those who lead it.

Lock 8 is a team of SaaS operators and investors with deep and diverse experience across a variety of verticals. Together, we are disciplined people, engaged in disciplined thought, taking disciplined action.
 Todd Gibby
Todd Gibby
Managing Partner
Tim Blomfield
Tim Blomfield
Christine Tanabe
Christine Tanabe
Operating Partner
Jake Decker
Jake Decker
Vice President
Giuseppe Maione
Giuseppe Maione
VP Operating Analytics
Brendan Newman
Brendan Newman
Vice President, Revenue Operations
Victoria Perlman
Victoria Perlman
Senior Associate
Cooper Buch
Cooper Buch
Zoe Raykhman
Zoe Raykhman


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Our shared beliefs guide how we work, how we live and how we create value for our investors and companies.

Operational Excellence

Sun Tzu said it best: “Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” If the strategy is bad, it doesn’t matter how good your tactics are. Great strategy with bad execution is a fail.

Focus is our friend

Constancy, forbearance, patience. We’re focused on building sustainably for the long-term. Stay the course, don’t get blown by the wind.

Learning Organization

A growth mindset is the cornerstone of our culture. Being a learning organism, both individually and organizationally, guides our investment and operational approach. Analyze practically. Adapt gracefully. React thoughtfully.

Large-scale uplift.

It’s not by chance that Lock 8 is named after an innovation that was developed to accelerate movement and catalyze growth. Just as locks across the mid-Atlantic propelled commerce in 1800s America, we at Lock 8 similarly aim to use experience, know-how, resources and networks as a fulcrum to support our portfolio companies, preparing them for the next stages of their journeys. And just as the locks of the C&O Canal found new life and value when transformed into a national park in the 1970s, we use renewed thinking, energy, and execution to help Lock 8 portfolio companies evolve as best-in-class SaaS businesses.


If you believe in the value of operational excellence, we’d love to hear from you.

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Are we speaking the same language? Let’s talk.

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379 W. Broadway
New York, NY 10012

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