Experienced operators investing in and optimizing small-scale SaaS businesses.

Workhorses, not unicorns.

Tangible results are earned every single day. We understand perfection is fantasy, imperfection is opportunity, and that the only constant in the world is change. We believe successful organizations are those that operate best in a fluid environment.

These views shape Lock 8’s investment strategy and our holistic, hands-on approach to consistently building valuable businesses.

Our Investments

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Real Life Sciences Logo
Virtual Field
Workotter Logo

Good businesses are made, not found.

Sound decisions and strong execution create truly lasting value. We love the journey and deeply respect those who lead it.

“Lock 8’s guidance around reconceiving our brand, building a repeatable sales capability, and investing in marketing has helped accelerate growth to a rate that we have never seen before in this business. With this investment, we have been able to unlock untapped potential that has been trapped in the business for years.”

-Steve Chong, COO, Projector PSA
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Strategic Reading for Strategic Leaders: Tailored Book Recommendations for New SaaS CEOs

I’ve posted a few times about tools for SaaS CEOs (including here, here, and here). A related question people ask ...

8 of the biggest mistakes first-time CEOs make

We recently spent a full day onboarding a new, first-time CEO for a recently acquired B2B SaaS business within our ...

A (Dirty) Little Secret About Reference Checks Part 2

In part one of this series I discussed why reference checks rarely help small-scale SaaS businesses with high-stakes executive hiring ...


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